When asked what I like to be introduced as - dancer, choreographer, publisher, activist, writer, actor – I tend to say that I am a communicator.
And that all the others are the different languages in which I communicate.
This web site is an attempt to communicate to a larger audience, to all of you.
There are many things that concern me, and that I think concern many many people around the world. The web is a great place to do that as you know.
The world is not in a happy or healthy place. Yet wonderful, optimistic, hope-filled attempts at changing them are happening all around. We need to bring these together so that we can form the critical mass of opinion, of energy, of effective change to say
Through this web site I hope to create a platform for people who care – care about people, about non-violence, about nature, about cruelty, about poverty, about justice, about greed and deprivation and about caring. |